10 Aralık 2015 Perşembe

Convert JSON Data into HTML

  1. <div class="container">    
  2.     <p>    
  3.         <table id="placar" class="table table-condensed  table-bordered">    
  4.             <thead>    
  5.                 <tr>    
  6.                     <th>#</th>    
  7.                     <th>Name</th>    
  8.                     <th>K</th>    
  9.                     <th>D</th>    
  10.                     <th>Point</th>    
  11.                 </tr>    
  12.             </thead>    
  13.             <tbody></tbody>    
  14.         </table>    
  15. </div>  
Now as JSON for that Add below code in the JavaScript file:
  1. var data = [{    
  2.     'order''1',    
  3.         'name''Harshad',    
  4.         'k''3',    
  5.         'd''0',    
  6.         'score''121',    
  7.         'id''540'    
  8. }, {    
  9.     'order''2',    
  10.         'name''Rajesh',    
  11.         'k''15',    
  12.         'd''3',    
  13.         'score''122',    
  14.         'id''541'    
  15. }, {    
  16.     'order''3',    
  17.         'name''Bingo',    
  18.         'k''0',    
  19.         'd''23',    
  20.         'score''123',    
  21.         'id''542'    
  22. }];    
  24. var currentID = 541;    
  26. var transform = {    
  27.     tag: 'tr',    
  28.     children: [{    
  29.         "tag""td",    
  30.             "html""${order}"    
  31.     }, {    
  32.         "tag""td",    
  33.             "html""${name}"    
  34.     }, {    
  35.         "tag""td",    
  36.             "html""${k}"    
  37.     }, {    
  38.         "tag""td",    
  39.             "html""${d}"    
  40.     }, {    
  41.         "tag""td",    
  42.             "html""${score}"    
  43.     }]    
  44. };    
  46. $('#placar > tbody ').json2html(data, transform);    
If you do the upar thing ur output is below: 

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